I started at Prodigy Finance as a Software Engineer in January 2015.
When I started there were a total of 28 employees across the whole company and we had funded 1875 students in total. Today as I leave there are over 200 employees across the company and we have funded over 14500 students.
It has been an incredible journey to say the least.

When I left Allan Gray to join Prodigy Finance a number of people asked me what I was thinking leaving an established place like Allan Gray and going to a small startup like Prodigy Finance. They assumed I was making a mistake, moving my career backwards.
I responded by telling them that at Prodigy Finance I saw opportunity. The opportunity to join a small company early on and be part of its growth journey.
I had joined Allan Gray when it was already established and I learnt a lot while I was there but it was like being born an adult, everything already in place, constantly wondering what it is like to be young and grow up on your own terms. I wanted to learn how a small company grows and becomes an established company. As I leave Prodigy Finance today I am certain this goal has been fulfilled.

Now, my path is heading in a different direction. I take with me many fond memories, many wonderful new friends and acquaintances, and a wealth of experiences. I have grown through working on projects across the company’s product workflow (onboarding, credit risk, verification, and disbursements) and playing multiple roles (full stack software engineer and being a line manager for software engineers).
I’m particularly grateful to have benefited from learning from others, watching others grow, and helping others grow. I also learned that these are not mutually exclusive options!

Where to now?
An opportunity landed on my doorstep, taking me back to the startup world, which means I’m off to start a new cycle again. I feel excited about my new opportunity (more on that to come in a future blog post!) but also excited to watch Prodigy Finance continue to grow, evolve, and have a positive impact on the world.
Thanks for sharing about your journey. It’s so important to ignore the naysayers and pursue what you believe. I wish you all the best for the journey ahead.
Take care!