Along with Benny Ou and Ruberto Paulo, I am excited to share that we will be starting a tech leadership meetup in Cape Town.

The idea is to build a community of longtime, new, and aspiring technology leaders. Our mission is for the community to help each other learn through conversation and sharing of ideas.
We will host a monthly meetup in Cape Town on the last Thursday of every month.
The first event will be hosted at the Prodigy Finance offices on the 29th of August at 6pm.
I am excited to see what this meetup will grow into over time.
Leadership is a learnable skill, however learning about leadership in the technology industry is often left to chance. This often leads to frustration for both leaders and those being led.
Many technology leaders get the job by default. They are the best or most senior technologist and suddenly find themselves leading meetings, negotiating for resources, making strategic decisions, participating in hiring, and a whole range of other mission-critical activities that fall outside of the technical toolbox. The world of leading / managing talented technologists can be messy.
We have many leaders practicing different leadership / management approaches from various companies around us. We can all learn from each other by coming together and sharing our experiences.
We aim to create an open community of people managers and technology leaders to exchange regularly about managing teams, solving difficult organisational topics, discovering new ways of working with the people we are allowed to mentor and all other aspects.
Just like in the core of tech, managing people and teams is never “done” and there is always new things to learn, impulses to follow, old practices to discard or revive. This is the place to help each other and move forward, become more professional and grow for ourselves and for the people and organisations we lead.
The hypothesis being that sharing our experiences will grow us into better leaders which over the long term will make the technology industry a better place for everyone.
You can access our pages below for more details:
Website –
Meetup page –